Dear Endless Lifestyle Family, 

Endless Lifestyle Studio, Always prioritises your health and wellbeing, and in recent light of world events we are closely monitoring the status of COVID-19 within the local area.

We are taking steps to increase our hygiene and health practice within the studio and encourage your support with this through:

  • staying home if you're unwell, including feeling any symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose, sore throat or fever

  • washing your hands regularly with soap and water, including washing your hands before and after class

  • avoiding close contact with people who are sick and staying home from the studio if you suspect you may have been in close contact with anyone

  • trying not to touch your face, eyes and mouth

  • covering your nose and mouth with a tissue or your elbow/arm if you cough or sneeze

  • discarding used tissues responsibly and washing your hands afterwards. 

If you have travelled to any country outside of Australia recently we ask that you follow official guidelines regarding health checks and isolation before attending the studio.

Our instructors will be completing additional daily cleans of our Pilates and fitness equipment and limiting hands on contact during this time. 

We also encourage you to bring your own mats and towels if you feel more comfortable.

We will continue to adhere to health and government guidelines and will keep all our clients up to date with any changes with the operation of our business in the days to come. 

The continued health of our families, trainers and clients is of utmost importance. Thank you for your responsibility and support. This is a difficult time for everyone. Take care and be sure to seek any help you need. 

Stay positive & healthy,

Laya & Team.


9 Benefits of Pilates


What’s Pilates? What are the types of Pilates?